Are you aware of your habits? [B1 Reading]

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Are you aware of your habits? [B1 Reading]

23 marca, 2023 Angielski reading 0

Habits are an integral part of our daily lives, shaping how we think, feel, and behave. From the way we brush our teeth to the way we interact with others, our habits are often so ingrained that we may not even be aware of them. However, becoming aware of our habits can be a powerful tool for personal growth and development.

One way to increase habit awareness is to pay attention to our daily routines and habits. This can involve simply observing ourselves and taking note of what we do, or it can involve more structured exercises, such as keeping a journal or using a habit tracker app. By paying attention to our habits, we can begin to identify patterns and areas where we may be able to make positive changes.

Another way to increase habit awareness is to consider the cultural context in which our habits are formed. Our habits are often influenced by the culture we live in, as well as by the people and institutions around us. By understanding the cultural influences on our habits, we can gain a deeper understanding of ourselves and the choices we make. Is what we do typical for people around? Are all our habits healthy?

For example, consider the habit of greeting others with a handshake. In some cultures, this is a common and expected way to greet someone, while in others it may be seen as inappropriate or even aggressive. By understanding the cultural context of this habit, we can better understand why it is important to us and how it affects our interactions with others. Understanding the cultural difference might also increase our understanding of others.

Improved self-awareness is also important. By becoming more aware of our habits, we can gain a deeper understanding of ourselves and our patterns of behavior. This can be helpful: thanks to this we might be able to organise our time better, become more effective workers or students.

Overall, increasing habit awareness can be a challenging but rewarding process. By paying attention to our daily routines and considering the cultural context in which they are formed, we can gain a deeper understanding of ourselves and the world around us, and work to make positive changes in our lives.

Word Thesaurus:

Ingrained – something that is deeply connected to another thing.
Personal growth – the process of developing and improving oneself over time.
Daily routines – the things that a person does every day, often at the same time.

Now, answer a few questions about the text and a few additional ones!

  1. Why is the cultural context of our habits important?
  2. What good can come of better understanding of our habits?
  3. What other examples of habits like the handshake mentioned in the text can you think of?
  4. Do you think that learned habits are hard to change?
  5. Give an example of a past habit that you managed to overcome.

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