How to study so as to learn and not to be learning?

Atrakcyjne kursy językowe dla Ciebie to my! Sprawdź to sami!

How to study so as to learn and not to be learning?

17 lutego, 2023 Uncategorized 0

Many of you probably have this feeling that you have been studying languages for ages and your effort has brought no result. Why has it been so? Perhaps the method you have applied was wrong? Maybe you have not confessed enough time to self-study or… have not been encouraged enough by your tutors? Let’s take a look together at what can be done to brush up your linguistic skills painlessly!

Find an appropriate tutor!

It does not have to be one of us but definitely somebody in the presence of whom you will feel at ease and who will not make you feel a lump in your throat. Remember that the process of study should be a cooperation with your teacher so the situation of one flexing on you cannot be the case. If after one, two or… several classes you do not fancy your tutor, have a second try with somebody else – there are a great many people advertising on the Internet who might be better by a long chalk and who, apart from being your partners in study, may also become your best mate and driver, also outside the classroom.

Surround yourself with the English language! 

By the above title I do not mean you repainting your flat in British colours (navy, white & red) and hanging flags all over the living room. Let us take it a bit more metaphorically. What about changing the language in your TV set and iPhone to English? Your favourite series on Netflix in English? Great idea! Why do not you try reading daily news in a foreign language, too? There are lots of odds and ends you may change in your activities of daily living which will make you not even realise you are learning. Give them a try!

Talk with real live humans!

Surely many of your nearest and dearest have ever learnt English but they abandoned learning so due to lack of time, energy or motivation. Why not to try together? How about instituting a new rule of one hour of English daily? Even if the level of English of none of you is close to perfect, you will surely help each other build linguistic confidence and introduce a new profitable habit. This way of learning is very popular abroad! In many countries people organise language meetups during which people without teaching qualifications share their skills and gain proficiency in speech. There is nothing to lose! Go on for your success!

effort – wysiłek
apply – stosować
confess – poświęcać
encourage – zachęcać
brush up – podszlifować
painlessly – bezboleśnie
feel at ease – czuć się swobodnie
feel a lump in one’s throat – mieć zatkane gardło
flex on sb – wywyższać się nad kimś
be the case – zdarzyć się
fancy – czuć miętę
a great many – mnóstwo
better by a long chalk – o niebo lepszy
driver – motywator
odds and ends – drobiazgi
nearest and dearest – najbliżsi
abandon – porzucić
institute – ustanowić
confidence – pewność siebie
profitable – przynoszący korzyści
habit – zwyczaj
meetup – spotkanie
proficiency – biegłość

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